HeartstringsTV Launch

With Toronto-based HeartstringsTV launching online officially today, we couldn’t help but gush, seeing as it is Valentines Day! We’re so happy that our city finally has an exclusive hub for expertly shot live videos and takeaway shows of up and coming and established bands.

With the likes Yukon Blonde, Dinosaur Bones, and Hooded Fang among the many artists already taking part, the site is sure to stick as a destination showcasing some of Canada’s best musical talent. The videos themselves show both an intimate side, filmed across Toronto in various locations and a live on stage version of the bands performance.

If you like the sound of all this, you should definitely check out HeartstringsTV online and come out on March 15th when they’ll be hosting their official launch party at Supermarket right after Canadian Music Week, showcasing many of the bands who have already taken part including Broken Bricks, People You Know, Brooklyn Pryce, and DJ duo Bangs & Blush. Check out the teaser video and the flyer below and be sure to keep checking back at Sidewalk Hustle to stay in the loop about all things HeartstringsTV!



We just got word that HeartstringsTV will be giving away an iPad at their launch party on March 15th! And you could win it! If, and only if you attend!