Maison Hennessy has unveiled a new collaboration for the Lunar New Year 2025, marking the Year of the Snake, with fashion designer Shuting Qiu. The limited-edition collection, titled Reimagination, celebrates renewal and positive transformation—key themes of the snake in Chinese culture. The collection adorns Hennessy’s iconic VSOP and X.O. carafes with vibrant, abstract snake patterns inspired by Shuting Qiu’s cultural heritage from Hangzhou.

The design incorporates traditional Chinese brocade, jacquard, and embroidery prints, with the snake’s movements reflected in the patterns to symbolize the flow of the Charente River in Cognac. The VSOP edition features youthful, energetic designs with red floral and Hawaiian-inspired motifs. In contrast, the X.O. edition is bold, using rich reds, gold, and blue with dynamic, embossed snake patterns.

This collaboration blends fashion, luxury, and cultural significance, making the bottles perfect as gifts or centrepieces for Lunar New Year celebrations. Shuting Qiu, who grew up in Hangzhou and studied in Belgium, sees this partnership as an opportunity to share her vision globally, with the Hennessy bottles serving as a canvas for her fusion of Eastern and Western design elements.