Last summer, Toronto psych-pop act Twist released their debut album Spectral which featured their catchy track “Calendar Girls” and now, there’s a video to match.

Directed by Brittany Lucas and Jacq Andrade, the video features a house party full of bored, anxious, kinda drunk guests and subtitles that explore their inner monologues.

As lead singer, Laura Hermiston told Noisey:

“‘Calendar Girls’ is a reflection on how people treat each other like products, in relationships and otherwise. I was thinking about men’s magazines and how the way women are objectified creates a mentality where romantic and sexual relationships become a form of consumption. Sometimes it feels like the drive to acquire material possessions and the desire to be with someone gets some how mixed up. It changes how you appreciate the people in your life when society encourages you to form superficial infatuations with people you’ve never met.”

Watch the video for “Calendar Girls” above.

Spectral is out now via Buzz Records, grab it here. You can also catch Twist live at the dates listed in the poster below.