Robyn’s Honey tour flew into Toronto last night, turning Rebel into a total and complete zoo.


I have seen Robyn now three times and she has always been firmly and confidently In The Zone. She’s In The Zone so hard she might have a passport from The Zone, and parents and cousins from The Zone who she visits from time to time. The fact is I’ve just ruined the term In The Zone, which is a shame because there’s no other way to describe Robyn.


At this point, Robyn has so many hits that her shows are positively swarming with them. Her new album works so well with her older material, the whole experience is consistent and held together by the phenomenon that is Robyn herself.

Her voice, perpetual energy, and endless talent set the tone. Watching her on stage is like watching an athlete. At one point during her 2014 concert with Röyskopp at Echo Beach, she repeatedly hurled herself into a small trampoline, bouncing upwards back onto her feet, again and again, for seven minutes straight. In fact, she is so full of intensity and stamina, I’m not certain that we aren’t watching her daily cardio routine disguised as a concert.

My new workout regiment is attending a Robyn concert every week for the rest of my life and I feel better already.