As we move further into the digital age, life on the go is quickly becoming the new normal. Whether it’s heading off to work or the gym, or catching a streetcar or a plane, life has become a series of movements and journeys. Because of that (and so much more!), it’s important to feel confident and to look your best (the two often feed off each other) so you’re ready to #FaceAnyMoment!

This is where the new BIC Flex5 Hybrid disposable razor comes into play. Whether you’re a clean-cut guy or just need to straighten and clean up some details, the five-blade razor is your secret weapon. Combining the convenience of four refillable cartridges with the value of a disposable razor, it’s the perfect companion for your gym kit, or travel pouch.

The new disposable razor features five flexible blades that individually adjust to the contours of your skin for an ultra-close shave. When you’ve used all the cartridges, simply dispose of the handle and purchase a new package – it’s super easy and crazy convenient. Plus, the precision edging blade helps to precisely define facial hair styles.

The lubricating strip enhances glide for a smoother shave! Oh, and it’s pretty awesome for shaving other body parts too, so you can remain sleek and aerodynamic or whatever.

Digging what we’re saying? Then click here now, to shop for your own BIC Flex5 Hybrid disposable razors!

This post was sponsored by BIC Canada.  The views and opinions expressed in this post however, are purely our own.