colette x Opening Ceremony FNO

While we in Toronto spend our weekend TIFFing, New Yorkers spend their weekend FNOing. Don’t get us wrong, films are great and all, but boy do we ever love shopping!

That’s probably why we practically leaped up out of our chairs and ran to the airport when we saw these colette for Opening Ceremony totes, tees, and Bic lighters adorned with phrases like “s’il vous plait”, “tout va bien” and “voila ” (J’adore tous!!).

Part of the French-themed flea mar­ket party hosted by the ACE hotel at Fashion’s Night Out this evening, the lovely little assortment of bleu-blanc-rouge goodies are set to drop tonight both online at Opening Ceremony and colette as well as at the party.

Although we’re in Toronto at the moment, our hearts are in New York.