Month: May 2010

Rachel Comey Backpacks

via Raked We've been a bit unsure of this backpack trend for some time. First off because we're worried we'll blast back into the mid 90's and second because... More...


via Pitchfork Ok heres the deal, I have never been a die hard M.I.A. fan. I liked a couple tracks on each album, and I certainly respect her as an artist, bl... More...

Jay-Z Destroys SNL

If you missed the EPIC performance by the King of Hip Hop Jay-Z on Saturday Night Live, you absolutely most watch it now!Jay's first performance was an ... More...

Banksy Does Toronto

As of yesterday images started to emerge that legendary guerrilla graffiti artist Banksy was in Toronto doing his thing. According to Show & Tell Galler... More...

The Future of Tennis

This is a bit old on the jump off... two years to be exactly, sorry, but my buddy linked me this awesome video/article from DVICE about the "Future of Tenni... More...